- Rule of thirds = tennis ball on the sidewalk
- Patterns = trash cans in the lunch room
- Texture = crack in the pavement
- Symmetry = light pole in bus loop
- Lines = windows
- Depth of Field = looking up at the brick wall
- Framing = Leslie in between books
- Space = flower in the grass
- Perspective = stairs looking down
- Color = American flag
- Balance = color and texture of the parking lot
In this assignment, I learned that it isn't all about what the subject of the picture is, but the angle, or perspective you take it from. Especially the rule of thirds, I learned how to off-center your picture. At first I didn't understand why you wouldn't want toplace your subject off to the side or in a corner. But know looking at my pictures, they look much more professional it creates enough space for the subject. I really enjoyed taking the photos with perspective because I think it creates very different views that are exciting to look at. With this assignment, I believe that I really improved the quality of my pictures already!